
The beginning

Born in Paris, France, Laurent Dareau's passion for art began at a young age, inspired by the creativity of Walt Disney. He spent his childhood creating comic books and dreaming of an artistic career. Initially, to fulfill his parents' desire for a practical profession, Laurent studied optometry. However, his love for art prevailed, leading him to follow his true calling.

Laurent earned his BFA from the National Fine Art School in 1992 and his MFA from the National Superior Decorative Art School in 1997. With a solid educational foundation and unwavering determination, he moved to the United States to pursue the American Dream of becoming a renowned artist.

The journey

Laurent first moved to San Francisco, California in 2004 where he began showing his work in galleries. He always enjoyed creating art and started by painting portraits of his two children as the years went by.

After some time, the collection of portraits he made grew and people near Laurent asked to commission portraits. This was the moment Laurent would be able to focus solely on his own work.

The Current Day

Today, Laurent resides in West Palm Beach, Florida where he continues to paint portraits in his studio. With worldwide recognition, he has created invaluable heirlooms for families across the globe and participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions from Paris to Los Angeles.

Laurent's artistry is now a family affair, with his children, daughter/manager, and fiancée all contributing to his thriving career.

We invite you to join us in experiencing the honor of having a custom portrait created by Laurent Dareau.

Commission a Portrait